... aneb co zrovna dělají Vojta, Ondra, Maki a Mára Růžičkovi

úterý 16. října 2007

Ondrášek s babičkou a dědečkem

Babička a dědeček umí Ondráška rozesmát.... Ondrášek umí rozesmát dědečka s babičkou!

6 komentářů:

Vojtech řekl(a)...

Už se na Tebe zase těšíme, Ondrášku:)

Carolyn řekl(a)...

These pictures are just beautiful. Ondrasek and Sammy are lucky to have such wonderful grandparents like Zdena and Vojta. After Sammy was born, I was so sad that Zdena and Vojta couldn't hold him when he was very little and they had to wait until he turned 6 months. I'm glad they now have the opportunity with their second grandson to spend so much time with him from the very beginning. Everytime Sammy sees their picture, I can tell by the way he looks at them and says "Baba" that he loves them and I can see in Ondrasek's face that he loves his Babas very much too!

Vojtech řekl(a)...

That is true, that when we are babas , we have more time to enjoy our grandchildren than when we were parents. So we want to be nice usful babas and to show them and learn them the best of us:)
And both our grandchildren are in our minds everyday and every moment, you know.We love them so much!!

Lor řekl(a)...

That is so sweet. Ondrasek is adoreable and kissable. I love those smiles he's giving his baba's. LUcky little boy. and Lucky family to have a such a darling baby. :)
Can I be his Canadian Auntie too?

Mara*Maki*Ondra*Vojta řekl(a)...

Yes Lor, of course...you ARE his Canadian Auntie number two. Ondrášek is so happy to have so many aunties!

Lor řekl(a)...

Lucky ME! And Lucky Ondrasek. And Sammy, to be surrounded by such wonderful families.